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There are a few options for creating conda environments in OpenSARlab.

Each option come with benefits and drawbacks.

Create Conda Environments, Register Their Kernels, and Run Any Setup Scripts in the Docker Image/s


  • Users don't have to create conda environments, which saves them time
  • Users don't need to know much about conda; they can just start running notebooks


  • Users cannot install additional packages into their conda environments
  • Changes to environments on the docker image involve rebuilding the container and CodePipelines
  • Large environments may overrun the 20GB root volume mounted on each EC2 instance, requiring that larger, more expensive root volumes be used.

Create Conda Environments in the Docker Image/s. Then, in the Hook Script, Sync Them to $Home/.local, Register Their Kernels, and Run Any Setup Scripts


  • Users don't have to create conda environments, which saves them time
  • Users don't need to know much about conda at all; they can just start running notebooks
  • The environments are stored in $HOME/.local, so users have permissions to install, update, remove, and debug packages
    • Environments are synced, not copied, so changes made by users will persist across server restarts


  • Increases the time it takes to start an OpenSARlab server
    • Syncing environments from the docker image to $HOME/.local, registering their kernels, and running any needed setup scripts all happens at server startup
  • Large environments may overrun the 20GB root volume mounted on each EC2 instance, requiring that larger, more expensive root volumes be used.
  • By storing the environment on both user volumes and EC2 node volumes, you effectively double pay for that storage.

Leave Conda Environment Creation up to the Users


  • Docker images remain small, avoiding potential storage overruns on the EC2 nodes' 20GB volumes.
  • Server start ups do not require copying or syncing environments, and so require less time.
  • Users have full control over their conda environments and their changes will persist across server restarts.


  • Users have to create their own conda environments
    • This requires some knowledge of conda and takes time.
    • Note: There is an ASF notebook repo to aid users in building their own environments.