Build latest mintpy and push to custom OpenSARLab conda channel
Sometimes the latest version of MintPy is desired within a notebook but the official release is not current. These instructions will show how to build MintPy and push to a custom conda channel.
This assumes that the user has an account and that this account is attached to a OpenSARLab
conda channel. Instructions on how to do this are not provided here.
A. Create working directory
mkdir conda-mintpy
cd conda-mintpy
B. Create conda environment
conda create -n conda-build python=3.10 anaconda-client
conda activate conda-build
C. Clone conda feedstock of mintpy.
git clone
D. Clone mintpy code repo. Only the latest commit is included to speed up download. Drop the --depth 1
to get the whole history.
git clone --depth 1
E. Assuming mintpy main is used and is also the latest, we won't make any changes to mintpy
The feedstock is a framework for building. It does not have the source code to build within it. Copy Mintpy source to feedstock recipes.
cp -r MintPy mintpy-feedstock/recipe/MintPy
F. Make versioning clear and build MintPy from local. The VERSION here is a working example. The actual version is subject to change.
G. Edit mintpy-feedstock/recipe/meta.yaml
-{% set version = "1.3.2" %}
+{% set version = %}
- url:{{ name }}/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz
- sha256: 6c1242dee74f13b96aa4b1f8d50c45ec486397796e4bd4bf3f67849f921bfe7f
+ path: MintPy
H. Build This may take a while.
cd mintpy-feedstock
cd ..
I. After a successful build, check for artifacts in mintpy-feedstock/build_artifacts/
J. Push changes to OpenSARLab conda channel.
# Login to individual account where you are an owner of OpenSARLab org
anaconda login
# Upload artifacts
anaconda upload --user opensarlab mintpy-feedstock/build_artifacts/noarch/mintpy-*.tar.bz2
K. Download and check version
mamba install -c opensarlab -c conda-forge mintpy=VERSION
conda list | grep -i mintpy
L. Cleanup as desired
cd ../
rm -rf conda-mintpy
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n conda-build
conda env list